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Who we are


We hunt, fish, forage, preserve & cook. We do it because it gives us a deep sense of pride, rootedness, and nourishment to be connected to our food. We do it because we want to be active participants in the natural world. We do it to honor our hard-won experiences in the field. We do it because we know the abundance to be found at the untamed table. 



Wade Truong

Wade Truong is a lifelong Virginian, self-taught chef and hunter. His work has been featured in the New York Times and Garden & Gun. His passion for cooking and sharing food is the foundation of his obsession with the outdoors and the resources they provide. He spends all of his free time hunting, fishing, foraging and exploring the bounty of the land and water. He believes that the more we participate with our environment, the more we understand that we need to protect it.

‘Every meal should be enjoyed and celebrated, meaningful, and mindful. A reminder of who we are, where we came from, and where we go from here. I am thankful for every meal, every dish I’m lucky enough to prepare and share. I am grateful for the opportunity to do what feels so right to me, to be myself, to find purpose in food, for the wild places, big and small, for the land of opportunity and the freedom to be who I am.’

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Rachel Owen

Rachel Owen is a passionate outdoorswoman. She didn't grow up hunting or fishing- her love for cooking brought her to a desire for a closer relationship with her food. Being nourished by the land and water around her has given her a deep insight into the place she calls home, as well as pushed her boundaries and endurance more than she could have imagined. A former hospitality pro, she now works in the financial field. She's also the plant witch, canning queen, editor and webmaster for Elevated Wild. 



Tater Tot


#1 recipe tester, couch warmer, big snoozer, happy baby, professional cat.

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Ollie Bug

World’s cutest chaos gremlin, snuggle puppy, president of best friends club. Bird delivery system (in beta).
