Feathered, Duck, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongFebruary 02, 2025feathered, duck, goose, waterfowl, DuckComment Waterfowl Smash Burgers Smash burgers are my favorite version of a burger. Feathered, Duck, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongFebruary 02, 2025feathered, duck, goose, waterfowl, DuckComment
Feathered, Duck, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 24, 2025feathered, duck, goose, waterfowl, DuckComment Sous Vide Goose Breast Feathered, Duck, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 24, 2025feathered, duck, goose, waterfowl, DuckComment
Feathered, Duck, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 19, 2025feathered, duck, goose, waterfowl, DuckComment Goose Lo Mein A versatile recipe that works with just about any protein, comes together quickly, and reheats as leftovers well. Feathered, Duck, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 19, 2025feathered, duck, goose, waterfowl, DuckComment
Feathered, Duck, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 06, 2025feathered, duck, goose, waterfowl, DuckComment Five Spice Duck with Chili Crisp Throw together this spicy, bright, and satisfying meal when you’re short on time but seeking flavor. Feathered, Duck, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 06, 2025feathered, duck, goose, waterfowl, DuckComment
Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 26, 2023goose, waterfowl, duckComment Mixed Bag Egg Rolls Odds and ends for the end of duck and goose season. Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 26, 2023goose, waterfowl, duckComment
Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 09, 2023braised, goose, waterfowl, duckComment Goose Tamales Tamales and geese share something in common- there never seems to be enough of them in our freezer. Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 09, 2023braised, goose, waterfowl, duckComment
Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 27, 2022goose, feathered, waterfowlComment Goose & Duck Giblet Gravy We almost always serve this gravy with biscuits and a bunch of fresh black pepper. It’s best served hot after a frigid morning chasing ducks. Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 27, 2022goose, feathered, waterfowlComment
Charcuterie, Feathered, Duck, GooseWade TruongJanuary 20, 2022charcuterie, feathered, goose, fresh sausageComment Goose Neck Andouille Stuffing sausage into a deboned goose neck is a little bit metal. Charcuterie, Feathered, Duck, GooseWade TruongJanuary 20, 2022charcuterie, feathered, goose, fresh sausageComment
Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 03, 2022goose, feathered, waterfowlComment Honey & Soy Smoked Duck For this honey-soy smoked duck, we add some soy sauce to a very simple brine, then glaze the duck with a mixture of soy, honey and garlic. Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongJanuary 03, 2022goose, feathered, waterfowlComment
Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongSeptember 30, 2021goose, feathered, waterfowl1 Comment Thai Basil & Tomato Goose Breast The fragrant notes of the basil and the slight tanginess of the tomatoes compliment the rich beef and bold soy and black pepper flavors. Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongSeptember 30, 2021goose, feathered, waterfowl1 Comment
Charcuterie, Feathered, Duck, GooseWade TruongJune 18, 2020dry cured, charcuterie, cured sausage, feathered, goose6 Comments Salami Haywood This salami is distinctly ours- goose meat, fennel, & garlic from the farm & sugary persimmons we gathered along the field edge Charcuterie, Feathered, Duck, GooseWade TruongJune 18, 2020dry cured, charcuterie, cured sausage, feathered, goose6 Comments
Duck, Goose, Charcuterie, FeatheredWade TruongMarch 23, 2020duck, goose, smoked, whole muscle2 Comments Smoked Duck Smoky, rich, and versatile Duck, Goose, Charcuterie, FeatheredWade TruongMarch 23, 2020duck, goose, smoked, whole muscle2 Comments
Goose, Waterfowl, FeatheredWade TruongJanuary 31, 2020goose, tex-mex, braisedComment Goose Barbacoa If you find yourself searching for a dish to serve first time wild game eaters or just want a sure thing for taco tuesday, this recipe never disappoints. Goose, Waterfowl, FeatheredWade TruongJanuary 31, 2020goose, tex-mex, braisedComment
Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlRachel OwenJanuary 05, 2020goose, feathered, soupComment Goose "Oh My Gosh" The origins of Oh My Gosh are dubious at best. Feathered, Goose, WaterfowlRachel OwenJanuary 05, 2020goose, feathered, soupComment
Feathered, Duck, GooseWade TruongOctober 07, 2019duck, goose, featheredComment Peking Duck- Garden and Gun Skin so crisp it cracks into shards Feathered, Duck, GooseWade TruongOctober 07, 2019duck, goose, featheredComment
Feathered, Waterfowl, Goose, Duck, CharcuterieWade TruongMay 14, 2019proscuitto, whole muscleComment Duck Proscuitto Simple is the name of the game Feathered, Waterfowl, Goose, Duck, CharcuterieWade TruongMay 14, 2019proscuitto, whole muscleComment
Duck, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongMarch 08, 2019scrapple, gizzards, offalComment Goose Scrapple Everything I want in a breakfast- salty, crunchy, and mushy, the perfect foil to runny egg yolk & hot sauce. Duck, Goose, WaterfowlWade TruongMarch 08, 2019scrapple, gizzards, offalComment