How to: Fillet a Snakehead

The snakehead is an exotic animal, but cleaning and preparing them is really not much different than any other fish you’d bring to the boat. If you’re lucky enough to come home with a cooler full of these incredibly powerful, finicky, and delicious fish, getting them to the table is fairly simple. They don’t have lots of scales, a complicated bone structure, or tough skin. What they do have is a fair amount of protective slime and an extended rib cage.
Snakeheads are very slimy. Washing them off with a hose helps with this- we like to place a towel under them to keep them from slipping around on the board while we aim the jet of water on them. Filleting them is much like any other fish, but because the ribs extend so far back, you have to angle your knife to work around them once you’re through the top half of the fillet. Other than that, if you can fillet any other fish, this isn't much different.